Photo Gallery

The Sun
- A flaming ball of gas where almost all life forms initially get most of their energy. It is the primary source of energy that initiates the process of photosynthesis. 

The Sun

Thylakoids - The component of the chloroplast where the second part of photosynthesis, the light dependent reactions, takes place. This is where the water is split and oxygen is released into the air.  


Glucose - One of the end results of photosynthesis, some of the glucose produced becomes of use for the plant and some of the glucose is used in cellular respiration to be split and mixed together with other molecules to create ATP molecules. 

Chloroplast - This plant organelle is where all of the steps of photosynthesis takes place. The chloroplast contains an outer and inner membrane although it is not shown in this picture. Also located in the chloroplast are thylakiods which are composed of stacks of granules, chlorophyll, and stroma. 

H20 (Water) - Water is an essential part to photosynthesis and a byproduct of cellular respiration. In a plant, water enters through the roots from the ground and travels up the plant in xylem. It is then split up in a thylakiod for the second part of photosynthesis, the light dependent reactions.


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