Sunlight+6CO2+6H2O = Glucose+6O2

Photosynthesis -  The process of capturing solar energy and converting it into Glucose for use by either the plant of any animal that may directly or indirectly eat the plant. The four (4) processes of photosynthesis are listed in order below;

  1. Electrons Capturing Sunlight
  2. Light Reactions
  3. Hydrogen / Electron Cycle
  4. Dark Reactions

        Photosynthesis is the process within the chloroplast of a plant cell where solar energy is converted into chemical energy, most of the time Glucose. The Glucose manufactured can then be used by the plant later or by used by any animal that directly or indirectly consumes the plant. Photosynthesis can also produce Amino Acids, Nucleic Acids, Lipids, Vitamins, and a lot of other molecules, not just Glucose. The process of photosynthesis is split into four sections. The first section, the collection of solar energy takes place within the electrons of chlorophyll inside of the chloroplast. When energy from the sun hits an electron, the electron raises an energy level. When the electron falls back to its original energy level, energy is released. This is then used to power the next step of photosynthesis, light reactions. Light reactions use this power to split water molecules into its oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The oxygen is then released into the air and the hydrogen with its excited electrons is used for the fourth step. The third step in the process of photosynthesis is the Electron/Hydrogen Acceptor Cycle. Some of the left over energy from the first step is used to the H+ ions and the electrons on a molecule, NADP, to be transferred into the stroma where the last part of photosynthesis takes place. This cycle repeats itself over and over. The fourth part of photosynthesis, The Dark Reactions also takes place in the stroma. This is where the Hydrogen positive ions get mixed with CO₂ in the Light Independent or Calvin Cycle. CO₂ is mixed with the hydrogen ions during 6 cycles using the excited electrons as an energy source. The end result of this process in glucose which then placed into the plant’s sap and leaves the leaf through the phloem where it goes into the plant stem. This is photosynthesis.


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