GoAnimate.com: Cellular Respiration by SmokedTunic

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       C6H12O6+6O6 = 6CO6+6H2O+ATP

        Cells need ATP for three different kinds of work. Transporting different molecules, making various macromolecules, and muscle contractions. The purpose of cellular respiration in animals is to take energy out of molecules of ATP for cellular activities because most animals are not self sufficient in energy. This process requires the use of oxygen. Most of the process of cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria, cell organelle (the power house of the cell). The end results of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide, and many adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. The first part of cellular respiration is Glycolosis. This is where Glucose is split into 3 carbon molecules. These molecules will go through chemical reactions and will eventually become Acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA can also be called pruvatic acid. It will still be referred to as Acetyl CoA in this passage. Acetyl CoA will then diffuse into the mitochondria from where Glycolosis took place in the cytoplasm. The second part of cellular respiration, The Citric Acid Cycle also known as the Kreb’s Cycle, is where the Acetyl CoA is broken down further into hydrogen positive ions, energized electrons, carbon dioxide, and ATP. The carbon dioxide is released into the air. The third part of the cellular respiration process will carry the hydrogen positive ions and the energized electrons to their new destination, the electron transportation system, using molecules called FAD and NAD. These are called hydrogen / electron carriers. During the electron transport system, the hydrogen atoms dropped off by the FAD and NAD hydrogen / electron carriers are combined with oxygen to produce H₂0. The excited electrons fall down to their original levels creating energy. From one glucose molecule, cellular respiration can create 38 ATP molecules. These molecules then get used for the three different kinds of work stated above.


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